Oct 28, 2007

New Perspective and Hope

The idea that no news is good news is not always entirely accurate. But, that would depend on your perspective of news. This weeks news? There isn't a whole lot, at least by way of which I feel like writing about right now. There is some good news pertaining to a couple we have been ministering to regularly. They have been homeless, scared of separating, and fearing the future of their relationship together and a baby on the way. This individual was one that I had once attended school with (small world?) and we remembered some things from our past. I then gave him my testimony of my experience in the streets and the deliverance given by the Lord Jesus (irony?). He has recently been put into a situation where he has to face his past and deal with his issues in order to clear what keeps him from making progress (suggested in our discussions?) and the mother of his child is now staying somewhere safe and warm that is not in the streets. While these are only temporary means, they are not the ends to the situation. This news brought tears to my eyes as I learned that the only possession our friend wanted to take with him as he left his child's mother was his Bible. This is good news the we can rejoice and pray over! Please lift this up that the Lord has begun a good and perfect work in their lives and is leading them toward repentance and faith in him to save them from their sin.

I would also like to present to you a ministry that presents a new name to an old approach. This ministry has greatly encouraged, helped, and illuminated some things for me this past week and I would exhort you to listen to their recent conference messages from earlier this year. They also maintain a blog called New Attitude that has helpful and edifying posts each week, they also offer links to the abundant free messages, music, and resources available at Sovereign Grace Ministries.

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