Apr 22, 2008

Muslim Outreach Support Needed

Hummus, grape leaves, and falafel sandwiches. Sound delicious don't they? I love Middle-Eastern Food. It is probably one of the healthiest diets I could adhere too. When I was younger I had the luxury of working in a Mediterranean Restaurant. I learned all the wonderful tips and tricks to making delicacies from across the Atlantic Ocean. This was a pleasurable experience for a teenager who was happy to be making $5.00 an hour.

Amidst all this experience and exposure to Middle-Eastern culture (food and friends), I was unaware that there was a large Muslim population right in my backyard. Dearborn, Michigan, and now the city of Hamtramck are some of the largest concentrated areas of the Arabic population outside of the Middle-East. This information would've been irrelevant to me had it been brought to my awareness and I would not have had a solitary care for them anyway.

Now the perspective has changed. I have become born-again and saved by Christ Jesus. Upon receiving salvation and coming to know His word and expressing obedience to His will, I now see things differently. I now know that Jesus is the only hope for all men, everywhere, from every tribe, tongue, and nation. This is a fact that has huge bearing on the lens in which I now view my Muslim friends in Dearborn.

The sadness I have is expressed in light of the vast concentration of Christian "churches" in the Metro area and I have at this time no evidence of any concentrated, sincere, or cooperative effort to reach this population. In times passed organizations have come in to the area and attempted to secure facilities to hold conferences that would educate the Church on Muslim evangelism and been outright rejected and sent packing. This is insanity, and utter disregard for the great commission Christ has bestowed upon us in the Scriptures. Fear has motivated so many forget that we are to preach the Gospel to all regardless of age, race, sex, or creed. If we withhold the Gospel because of personal prejudice and fear of persecution then we stand in qualification of examination against the Word to see if we are truly in the faith. If you know Christ it would seem logical that you would desire others to know Him also.

In June of this year there will be a conference held to equip the saints in Muslim Evangelism. They will learn techniques and become educated on the Muslim faith. Most of the time spent will be on the streets during an Arab festival putting these principles to work and fulfilling the Lord's command to preach the Gospel. I ask that you pray for this outreach. We are still seeking a facility and have applied for use of (1) that is pending approval. Pending this approval, their may also be fees for use of the facility and we would ask for prayer regarding supplication in that area as well. Operating on a small budget and focusing all available resources on tracts, bibles, and operating supplies leaves little room for facility rental. If you are willing to help out, or know of a facility in the Metro-Area that could sponsor this event free of charge, that would be answered prayer.

If you would like to volunteer, pray, or support this event in any way, please contact us and let us know.

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