Nov 28, 2007

New Paul Washer Compilation

Here is a new compilation of a sermon preached by Paul Washer called "The Judgment of God and the Great White Throne". This is only my second attempt at the compilation thing so let me know what you think! You can Right-Click and Save this File (the highlighted "link word") or Click it and play it online, Here is the LINK!

Nov 26, 2007

Obscene Display?

I find it a slight bit ridiculous, and rarely will comment on these kinds of things, but this one really pushed my buttons. There was a recent arrest in the gentle state of Georgia regarding a pro-life truck displaying pictures of an aborted fetus. The truck was vandalized and impounded by police as well as deemed inappropriate, vulgar, and obscene. My question is this, how in the world do we minimize the loss of life so much so that an advertisement for a strip club with half-naked women, implied murder scenes for the next gore flick, and a borderline pornographic billboard for Grand Theft Auto have greater decency than that of one depicting the reality (as opposed to created fantasy) of our culture? Could someone please tell me which direction truthville is? I suppose the greatest question I would ask of those who label this kind of display as vulgar and obscene (granted they are pro-abortion) would be this, "Why do you find something that you say is perfectly alright to be upsetting and obscene to view? Please Read More Below for the Press Release. Georgia Cops Impound Anti-Abortion Billboard Truck, Jail Driver
Police action an egregious abuse of power

ATLANTA, Nov. 26 /Christian Newswire/ -- Bob Roethlisberger was arrested and jailed over Thanksgiving weekend in a northern suburb of Atlanta, Georgia, on the charge of "Disorderly Conduct" for driving Operation Rescue's Truth Truck bearing signs with photos of aborted babies. The Truth Truck was impounded.

Gwinnett County Police Department officers arrested Roethlisberger Saturday after telling him that signage on the Truth Truck was "vulgar and obscene." Officers ransacked the back of the Truth Truck without a warrant and ordered Roethlisberger to change or remove the signs. When he refused, he was arrested and incarcerated for three days before being released on $1,000 bond.
Photo: Operation Rescue's Truth Truck

The Truth Truck was released from impound late Monday, however the both the signs and the mounting hardware on the truck were damaged when police forcibly ripped the signs off the sides of the truck. Monetary damage to the property is estimated to be in the thousands of dollars.

"It is obvious that these police officers, under the direction of Major Thomas Bardugon, engaged in a serious incident of unconstitutional content-based discrimination and illegal destruction of property," said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman. "Bob fully cooperated with officers, but refused to compromise on his message, which is unequivocally protected by the First Amendment. The officers misused their authority to punish Bob for expressing a viewpoint that ran counter to theirs. The arrest was nothing less than an egregious abuse of power."

Newman discussed the matter with Major Bardugon who refused to drop the charges and threatened to arrest Newman if he drove the Truth Truck through Bardugon's jurisdiction.

The Truth Truck was in Georgia because a recently introduced Human Life Amendment that is scheduled to be considered by the State Legislature in January. The Truth Truck's mission was to help draw the attention of Georgians to the reality that abortion brutally takes an innocent human life, and emphasize the need to ban the grisly procedure.

Operation Rescue manages a fleet of Truth Trucks that have traveled tens of thousands of miles from coast to coast over the past seven years. The right to display those images has been upheld in courts across the nation, which have also ruled that obscenity laws do not apply to aborted baby images.

"We intend to vigorously fight these unjust charges and will seek a remedy for our property loss," said Newman. "We cannot allow the illegal use of police authority to bully us into silence, when such silence could cost innocent human lives."

Please contact the Gwinnett County Police Chief and ask for:

* The immediate dismissal of charges against Roethlisberger
* The immediate reimbursement for damages to the Truth Truck
* An apology

Chief of Police Charles M. Walters

Operation Rescue is one of the leading pro-life Christian activist organizations in the nation. Operation Rescue recently made headlines when it bought and closed an abortion clinic in Wichita, Kansas and has become the voice of the pro-life activist movement in America. Its activities are on the cutting edge of the abortion issue, taking direct action to restore legal personhood to the pre-born and stop abortion in obedience to biblical mandates.

Christian Newswire

Nov 24, 2007

Cures the Gov't don't want you to know about...

As promised, albeit a few days later than presumed...

I was in front of my house finishing up some cuts on the new laminate flooring I've been installing for my mother. While I was cutting a man approached me with a smile and a warm welcome. He asked if I were a carpenter and how things were coming along. I told him I was not, and that I was merely a hack, hacking my way through a project I was hoping would look good in the end! Nevertheless, our conversation swung from his greeting to his sales pitch. He brought out a clipboard from along his side and I could easily notice a long list of incurable diseases and afflictions well known to mankind. Some of the names on the list were AIDS and Muscular Sclerosis. He asked me if I head of a book called "Cures 'they' don't want you to know about". I told him I had, and I even was familiar with the author "Kevin Trudeau". This was a nice little segue for him to swing from his greeting to asking me about natural supplements, vitamin drinks/bars, and other assorted "organic" healing items/novelties. He told me that he had a friend who had begun drinking this "powdered drink" eight months ago. His friend suffered from muscular sclerosis, and now that he has been drinking this he has gone from being wheelchair bound to walking.

This baffled me a bit and immediately I began doubting every word that followed from his mouth. However, I eventually was able to speak and began to tell him about my dependence upon the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation. I also informed him that if it were for me to be afflicted, than so be it, and if it were for me to be healed, than so be it. He made a comment while I was speaking at one point the the Lord doesn't want us to suffer, and laughed off my dialogue about the sufferings of living the "Christian life" and the falsehoods the world teaches about being a believer. The principles I laid out for him were that of our necessity to be dependent upon Christ, the sufferings of the Apostle Paul, and that the Christian life is your best life "LATER" not "NOW". He made reference to the coming Kingdom before we parted ways and I began to put the pieces together that this man was a Jehovah's Witness. He did not challenge or attempt to evangelize me and told me that he appreciated my fine articulation and admonishment of scriptural knowledge. I told him it isn't me, it IS the scripture. He went on to knock on my neighbor's door and left without ever having disclosed his "other" door knocking persona. I told him to come and see me next time "they" are in the neighborhood.

I'm not sure if he will ever come knocking again, but I plan to email him for further discussion. Please pray for this man and all those who are being led astray by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society.

Nov 20, 2007

JW's and Cures the Government Don't Want You To Know About... Part 1

Stay tuned, hopefully tomorrow or Wednesday, I have an interesting story to share with you about an encounter with a salesman. Only this salesman was a Jehovah's Witness (undisclosed of course) selling cures for AIDS, Muscular Sclerosis, and numerous other "incurable" diseases.

More Later....

Nov 7, 2007

The Believers New Clothes!

Today in study I looked at Romans and Colossians. The idea of these two passages is profound to those who believe that the Lord is their Shepherd, and that once you have heard His voice, you forever shall know it. Often the problem arises when some would say that you can forget the sound of His voice. Worse yet, He may even forget that you were ever His in the first place. I cannot seem to reconcile this to the Holy Scriptures that contain the glorious gospel of our Lord. That being said, I would encourage you to look at Romans 6:1-23 and Colossians 3:1-11. Note the implicit nature of these two passages. On one hand you have the Apostle Paul speaking to the Roman Church and encouraging them to be obedient to righteousness and disregard the notion of the Lord's grace being a license to sin! He pleads with them to remember that their struggle is certain but the grace of the Lord is powerful enough to overcome and break the chains of the flesh that cause us to struggle. We are then further encouraged in Colossians to put off the old self and put on the new, for if we have died to self and died with Christ we arise with him in newness of life and righteousness. This process of renewal is ongoing and continual, the Lord shall make us to be like Him and we are willfully enslaved to His service in His Courts and with the power of His righteousness!

-Oh Merciful Lord thank you for bearing the wrath due us and giving us the gift of Your righteousness to perfect us until the perfect is final!

November 7th
In His Steps (Charles H. Spurgeon)
GOD makes no difference in His love to His children. A child is a child to Him; He will not make him a hired servant; but he shall feast on upon the fatted calf, and shall have the music and the dancing as much as if he had never gone astray. No chains are worn in the court of King Jesus. Our admission into full priveleges may be gradual, but it is sure. Perhaps our reader is saying, "I wish I could enjoy the promises, and walk at liberty in my Lord's commands." "If thou believest with all thine heart, thou mayest." Loose the chains of thy neck, O captive daughter, for Jesus makes thee free.

Nov 4, 2007

In His Steps - With Charles Spurgeon

It's been a busy, busy week. Working and going to school full-time on both ends is very trying. Patience can become a very rare commodity in the fast food biz, and sometimes people just flat-out don't like middle level management. It is quite alright though, as I remember this, "Whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do..." (I COR 10:31-33) I serve Christ, and I am to preach Him crucified. Sometimes I'm not the best example of the stereotyped persona those who don't want to know Him place upon believers who profess Christ, and unfortunately those who profess Him and don't know Him further the bad example.....Is that a catch 22? Not sure. Anyway, here's what I wanted to post, so have a good day, and remember to live for Christ in all things.

November 4th
"If we walk in the light, as he is in the light." -1 John 17
AS he is in the light! Can we ever attain to this? Shall we ever be able to walk as clearly in the light as he is whom we call "Our Father," of whom it is written, "God is light, and in him is no darkness at all?" Certainly, this is the model which is set before us, for the Saviour himself said, "Be ye perfect, even as your Father who is in heaven is perfect;" and although we may feel we can never rival the perfection of God, yet we are to seek after it, and never be satisfied until we attain to it.

-Charles Spurgeon

(Do those who scoff and ridicule our struggle and perseverance to overcome the flesh really notice the battles that have been won or do they just look for fodder to load their cannons and further anesthetize their conscience from accountability to God?)