An enjoyable read for those looking to hear from one of the Internets most outspoken voices on the world of Christendom as many of us know it. Most notably, Spencer speaks volumes to those who have made an attempt or successfully escaped Christendom. With a humble down to earth approach, Spencer has directed his writing efforts in a new way. Now he is lending his effort toward a few specific groups of people,
- Those who have already left the Church and rejected it
- Those who have already left the Church and are seeking a genuine experience of 'Church'
- Those who are thinking of leaving the Church
- Those that have left and are thinking of going back
The readability readers of have enjoyed previously is also present here in this offering. Michael Spencer shares with his readers the personalized experiences from his life that have given him a desire to be and see a new example of the life that discipleship should give in the lives of believers.
Finding my own fundamentalist values challenged at every turn of the page has left me asking questions, turning to my Bible, and praying to the Christ for guidance on His will and how I can faithfully take part in it.
I would have liked to see a little more theological treatment of certain issues (mainly a definition of Church according to the Bible). I did not particularly care for some of the subtle ecumenical apologetics, and felt like I had read some of the latter chapters previously. Who knows, I could have been experienceing Deja-Vu, but it seemed like Spencer began to repeat himself.
Worth the purchase, so check it out!
"I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review."
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