This book is rather weighty in comparison to most books I read on a regular basis. It essentially comes off as a theological treatise on eschatology more than an apologetic for the end time view known as 'Amillenialism.'
Riddlebarger makes it easy for me to relate to his views in this book because he focuses on the scriptural evidence while keeping the views of other end time perspectives in consideration. But there is a primary treatment of the Dispensational perspective, the view both Kim Riddlebarger and myself were former proponents of. This bias that may have developed shows itself consistently throughout this book.
I believe it is easy to adopt the views of others concerning the 'last days' in Christianity when the subject is made into a checklist and easy to digest. There is so much material on the subject at the Family Heresy Store in the $5.00 bin that anyone came become an armchair analyst of the end times. Unfortunately, a great majority of American Evangelicalism has come under the heavy influences of Premillenialism, Dispensationalism, and what I often refer to as Rapturism. This book would be a good place to start discerning the different view points before you 'camp' out in any particular teachers philosophy.
If you are looking to hear an honest analysis of the Amillenial viewpoint and digest a careful exegesis of the critical end times texts like Matthew 24, Revelation 19 and 20, and other critical contributions referring to Israel and its future, this book may serve you well. Even though it took me too long to read it, it probably is not a book I would blaze through anyway. I look forward to reading it again.
Hopefully you will too.
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