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Thanks to Jack for his comment,
"What a timely and important topic! Thank you for posting it! The doctrine of hell is important to every Christian's life because we believe in the inerrancy of scripture. And because the scriptures are without error, we know that hell is a very real place that is so awful that we don't even want our enemies to experience it! It should enforce the resolve in ever believer to obey the scriptures and share the gospel with those God puts before us. Hell isn't meant to be used to scare people into accepting Jesus. We must all recognize our need for Him and realize that we need Him. But, what kind of people would we be if, knowing of this imminent danger, we don't warn people and share the gospel with them? Sharing the gospel is an act of obedience, but also of love. Hell is important in the believer's life because it bears responsibility on us to share the gospel and live obedient to the scriptures. Our words and actions can affect the eternities of those around us."
I too feel distraught knowing that those who would reject the gospel, or having never heard it, may fall into a state of judgment, and spend the rest of their eternal lives in that state, but again feel compelled to obey Christ's words to GO and make DISCIPLES in order that we may pull some from the flames licking the hem of their garments (Jude 1:23).
And finally, the winner of the drawing was Bryan Frei. Congratulations Bryan, and thanks for your comment as well.
Bryan said,
"I think knowing Hell is important because Jesus had plenty to say on the subject and if I am to call him LORD and Master, I should follow suit. Just like the fact, Jesus taught about an historical Adam and Eve, thus it does not leave these subjects optional to adhere to."
I hope that we would all see our need to comment that which our Lord commends, and abhor that which he abhors as well. We might learn a thing or two about our own personal walks when we stop to listen to what he actually said.