In the past, I have tended traditional row gardens, and with some success, managed to harvest a crop or two. But those harvests often came with the burden of fighting weeds and time. Living in a condo with a small patio, we were not very sure we would ever accomplish the feat of a garden in such small quarters. We definitely could not fathom creating a row garden in our closed in patio, that essentially amounts to about 10' x 20' or so. On top of the cramped space, the ground area on our patio was a mud pit and weed patch. Then there is the dilemma of sunlight not hitting the ground for sufficient amounts of time. Needless to say, our gardening outlook was bleak.
With our limited space and planting time approaching quickly, I ordered the book, bought supplies, and prepared a space for planting. It has been a harried past month or so, but now that everything is ready, my garden is planted, and the patio is now a pleasant garden and retreat, I think we will actually have a tad more time for....the new baby!
Well, If you are a gardener, and you would like to check the method out, I have posted some progress pictures below. We will see how the crops finish at harvest time, but as for now, everything is doing great! I highly recommend this book not just for its information and instruction, but because it is fun to read and the illustrations make a pro out of any novice! Happy gardening!
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