Free Book From Living Waters and Way Of The Master
I just received this info from Living Waters in an email news blast. Their well received and read book "Way of the Master," previously titled "Revival's Golden Key," has been renamed again. But this time, it has also been condensed along with updated statistics and data. Enjoy.
For years we have heard of Christians, excited about the teaching, who wanted to share it with their pastor. After giving him the book The Way of the Master, they often became frustrated that he didn't appear to read it. So we decided to go back to the original, more provocative, title (God Has a Wonderful Plan for Your Life) and cover, and create a smaller, “read-in-one-sitting” edition of the book (128 pages). We pulled in the cream of the teaching from other publications, updated the statistics, and sharpened the message. It’s now an ideal resource to share with others to help them see the need for biblical evangelism.
To help you share this message with your pastor, church staff, and others, at the following link there is no charge for single copies within the U.S. (this includes free shipping). If, however, you'd like to buy multiple copies to give away, they can be purchased in bulk for the low cost of $48 for a box of 48 books.Additionally, you can download a free pdf version of the book from our website. (Keep checking back on that page, because soon we will be adding a free unabridged audio book version, read by Ray himself.)
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