Speaking of rehab, I got rejected. Yup, you heard it right rejected by rehab. In case you didn't know, I had attempted to intern at a local drug treatment facility. It is well known for it's "Therapeutic Community" approach. This facility would've been ideal and was something I was very excited about. Due to extenuating circumstances I was turned down at the last minute (almost a month after being assured of placement by the director). This left me without an internship position less than three days away from my necessary start date.
I will be continuing to seek opportunities to work in the substance abuse and homeless communities and prayerfully pleading with the Lord for guidance and direction. I hope that you may have a minute or two to spare to intercede on my behalf for this as well. Five years ago I began a mission that would put me into a position to be used in the very communities from which I came, knowing that the compassion and help I was given will be of great use to the same folks who are often overlooked and unconsidered in many ways.
I'll pray that you get the position that you desire, and that it happens quickly.
God bless you!
God is good. Maybe there is an opportunity for you to put your skillz to work in Lansing?
Steve, thanks for your encouragement and prayer. I hope to have some answers very soon.
Arthur, I am not tall enough to work in Lansing. You just want me close by dont ya buddy ol pal :)
SOMEBODY needs to keep an eye on you!
Ahhh, the subtleties of affection by Mr. Sido...
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