I'll bet that you didn't know Deliver Detroit sponsors a local Cable Access Television program on Wednesday nights at 7:30 PM. Did you also know that it airs Way Of The Master Season 1 and 2 (3 is coming soon). In the past Paul Washer sermons have been broadcast locally in hopes of reaching the local viewing area with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
While much of the videos planned for airing require editing and prepping for 30 minute segments, there are many in the works. This requires resources such as time, blank DVD's, and software that assists in the process. This is all funded by personal contributions of all the above named resources. If you are willing to participate in this endeavor, please let me know through email how you can help and if you have any ideas for future programming!
This Cable Access is utilized to proclaim the glory of God through it's programming and outreach. The programming scheduled for the next two weeks will be the DVD version of the 2002 Youth Evangelism Conference of Alabama. It features Paul Washer delivering what has become known as the "Shocking Youth Message." Part 1 is scheduled to air August 6th and Part 2 on the 13th.
If you are a resident or cable subscriber in the Romulus, Belleville, Taylor, and Van Buren viewing area, you can see these programs on the community channel 18 on Wednesday's at 7:30 PM.
I don't watch TV unless they are speaking in King James English.
In that case, maybe you should purchase The King James Box..
Ok, that was just funny stuff. You know that youtube video is getting embedded on my blog.
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