First, there was the phone call from an old friend. He mistakenly dialed the wrong number. This mistake wound up lasting over an hour and we talked about the Word, Christ's sacrifice, the power over sin He had, the sufficiency of the Holy Spirit in the believers life, and just how important it is to walk in holiness before others as a living, breathing, testimony of Christ. He counted it a blessing to have had this conversation and felt extremely happy that his "mistake" worked for the good.
Secondly, the funny question that never comes up, came up. I was asked "why I was so happy" and if it were a result of sinful behavior. I then replied that I refrain from fornication and strive to follow my Lord's commandments. This conversation was during a quiet time in the restaurant and I made sure that it was heard by any in the vicinity. Once again I was able to share with someone else the importance of God's Word, our duty to walk in His counsel, and the power of the Holy Spirit to assist us in doing so. He didn't have much to say outside of ripping scripture verses way out of context and using them to justify his personal sins. I can only pray that those listening become convicted and the seed is planted for someone else to water and the Lord to harvest.
Thirdly, while opportunities to share Christ abound my friend Ben introduced me to a new friend in faith. While sharing my testimony with him, the Lord's providence revealed there is much to be done and that there may be an open door to reach someone with similar struggles to that of my past. All in God's grace I've overcome these things, what a greater blessing to share with others that He can do it for them as well. Repentance and faith bring forth healing and regeneration of the dead man that is quickened by the power of God.
Lastly, I went to a 12-step meeting and was able to see some old friends, minister to a new friend, and establish a relationship with a complete stranger. I pray the Lord is softening his heart for the Gospel to be sown into fertile ground.
A cannot comment further on how much the Lord has shown me these past few days. If I were to do so, It may go on for quite a few pages, but the previous occurred in 12 short hours. Amazing grace no? Please pray for all these things, and continue to pray for the Muslim Outreach this week. Pray for all the saints flying in from around the country, the teachers, evangelists, and all those who are providing for those willing to go into the heart of Dearborn and face possible persecution to minister our Lord's Eternal Message.
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